“Next level life comes through a next level commitment.”
Today, you have the opportunity to take your walk with God to the next level. Whether it’s joining a Discipleship Group (D.G.), or stepping up to lead one, now is the time to deepen your commitment.
The Call to Discipleship
Last month, 3,000 souls were saved at our church altars. But what comes next? Who will follow up with these new believers, disciple them, care for them, and make friends with them? The responsibility lies with each one of us. God has given every believer the commission to be a disciple that makes disciples. This is what Jesus meant when He said, “I am about my Father’s business.”
In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus commands His followers to make disciples of all nations, teaching them to observe everything He has commanded. Our church mission echoes this directive: “Making Disciples of Jesus Christ that make disciples of Jesus Christ.”
Understanding Discipleship
The term “disciple” (Greek: matheteuo) means to teach and instruct others to obey the commands of Jesus Christ. It involves recruiting others to be students of the Word, developing believers into mature disciples who are devoted to the daily study, application, and teaching of God’s Word.
When Jesus promises to be “with” every believer who accepts the call to make disciples, it means that His love, joy, peace, power, provision, miracles, victory, wisdom, and favor are all with us as we undertake this mission.
Steps to Making Disciples
Step #1: Become a Disciple of Jesus Christ.
You can only reproduce what you are. Before making disciples, you must first be a disciple of Jesus Christ. A disciple is a student and follower of Jesus’ teachings, lifestyle, and mission. They belong to Jesus, obey His commands, and are committed to making more disciples.
Jesus made it clear in Matthew 4:19 that the call to follow Him is the call to be a disciple: “Follow Me as My disciples… and I will make you fishers of men.”
Two Laws of Discipleship:
- Law of Leadership: To be a great leader, you must first be a great follower. Jesus will not allow us to lead His people unless we first allow Him to lead us.
- Law of Reproduction: We can only produce what and who we are. The kind of disciple we are is the kind of disciples we will reproduce.
Step #2: Sign Up to Lead a Discipleship Group (D.G.)
Making disciples requires intentionality and commitment. It won’t happen by accident. A D.G. is a small group of 2 to 12 people who meet weekly to study the Bible, care for one another, and do life and ministry together. The leader’s role is to disciple and develop others into mature followers of Christ who, in turn, can make disciples themselves.
Are You Willing to Go?
God is looking for believers willing to “go” and make disciples. This means hearing the call and stepping up to lead a D.G. By saying, “I will go,” you’re committing to teaching, loving, and mentoring others into becoming mature disciples of Jesus Christ.
Practical Ways to Practice Being a Disciple
- Confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior, get baptized, and become an official member of the church.
- Complete Holy Warriors classes 1-4.
- Engage in daily devotions.
- Join a D.G. or sign up to lead one.
The Responsibilities of a Discipleship Leader:
- Recruit Disciples: Engage new members and invite them to follow Christ.
- Care for Disciples: Shepherd, nourish, and love the people you lead.
- Teach Obedience: Guide your disciples to not only hear the Word but also live by it.
- Train Others: Develop your disciples into leaders who can make disciples themselves.
The ultimate reward at the end of life will be the people we led to Jesus and trained to be like Him. How many disciples will you make for Jesus Christ?